HUI129: Computer-Aided Industrial Design Coursework
graphics editing techniques in photoshop 
class 1: 9/10  
class 2: 9/17  
class 3: 9/24  
graphics editing techniques in illustrator 
class 4: 10/1  
class 5: 10/8  
rhinoceros 3.D. modeling and techniques  
  • I: interface, toolbars, drawing in Rhino
  • II: precision modeling
  • III: editing geometry
due 9/17:
how to crop and resize images
resize an image

to begin, open the Resize.jpg image from the downloadable files folder.
first, investigate the current size of the image. ideally, the image size should be smaller than the target size of 900 pixels wide.
in the status bar located at the bottom of the document window, click and hold the document size information.
the document size window indicates a width of 1800 pixels. once the tutorial is complete, it should look like this:


to resize the image, select the Image menu in the toolbar, then select Image Size to open the Image Size dialogue box.


before continung, ensure that the link icon is engaged to lock the aspect ratio. then, make sure the unit of measurement is set to Pixels.
change the width of the image from 1800 pixels to the target width of 900 pixels. the height should change proportionately.
the Resolution of the image may remain untouched, as the photo is being resized for web (rather than for print) and is unconsequential for our use.
now that the image has been successfully resized, select Save As from the File option in the toolbar to rename the file in order to preserve the original image. once the file is renamed, click OK to save.

set the resolution
to begin, open the Resolution.jpg image from the downloadable files folder.
image resolution is important when sizing an image for print, and can be accessed in the Image Size dialogue box.


the resolution of an image determines the number of pixels contained within a tangible unit of measurement, and its value varies depending on its intended use;
the width of the image is 1800
the height of the image is 1200
dividing each dimension by 100, we can deduce that the current image will print at 18x12in.



when preparing an image for print, the unit of measurement should be set to Inches or some other arbitrary tangible unit of measurement.

ensure that the Resample box is unchecked to avoid altering the total number of pixels in the image.


the width and height of the image should change proportionately, and indicates the size at which the image will print.


now that the image has been successfully resized, it is ready to be saved and printed at a width and height of 6 by 4 inches, with 300 pixels per inch.

crop and straighten an image

to begin, open the Crop_Straighten.jpg image from the downloadable files folder.
the crop tool is one of the most useful commands in adobe photoshop, allowing the user to trim unwanted portions from the image and straighten it to improve the composition.
locate and select the crop tool from the lefthand toolbar.


the crop box will appear around the image edge and can be transformed with these commands:
before finalizing a crop, deselect the Delete Cropped Pixels checkbox to preserve the full image.



the rotate tool is one way to straighten an image.
another way is with the Straighten tool.

select the Straighten tool from the top toolbar, then drag along a straight surface and release.
once you’re happy with your crop, press ENTER to finalize it.

I used the rule of thirds to achieve this result as my final composition.

expand the canvas
to begin, open the Expand_Canvas.jpg image from the downloadable files folder.
as opposed to Image Size, modifying the Canvas Size does not change the dimensions of the image itself, but adds space around the image.


click the Image option from the menu bar, then select Canvas Size to summon the Canvas Size dialogue box.

if for web use, change the unit of measurement to pixels.

click the Relative checkbox to enable it.


the width and height dimensions should become 0.

rather than calculating the total desired New Size of our image, we can simply give the amount of space we wish to add.

replace the Width field with 400, then click OK to add 200 pixels to either side of the canvas. the result should look something like this.


if you wish to add space to a specific part of the canvas, rather than have it be evenly distributed, use the Anchor tool in the Canvas Size dialogue box.

you can also modify the Canvas extension color.
expand to the right


once the canvas has been expanded 800 pixels to the right, and the image is ready to be saved.

exercise from 2017 Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop Tutorial Article Change the Image Size.

photoshop layer basics
understand layers

to begin, open the Understand_Layers.psd from the downloadable files folder.
layers act as a stack of transparent sheets containing seperate pieces of content, enabling the user to manipulate the content within them without disturbing the contents of the other layers.




locate the Layers panel on the right hand toolbar.

it can also be summoned in the Windows option from the menu bar, or with F7.

click the eye icon to toggle the visibility of each layer.

then, hold the option key while clicking the eye icon to isolate the layer.



select the layer you wish to manipulate by clicking it in the Layers panel. 

then, use the Move tool to transform its contents.

holding shift while selecting layers will allow you to select and manipulate multiple layers at once.
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5

learn layer basics
to begin, open the Layer_Basics.psd file from the downloadable files folder.
let’s explore a few of the most basic functions and commands of layers.




to arrange the order in which the layers are stacked, select the layer you wish to move from the Layers panel. 
then, drag it below the layer you wish for it to sit under. 

step 1: select a layer
step 2: create a new layer
step 3: double-click the layer’s name
step 4: rename the layer

to change a layer’s opacity, select a layer you wish to modify, then drag the Opacity slider at the top of the Layers panel. you can also enter the desired value in the Opacity value field.

to delete a layer, select it from the Layers panel and press the delete key.

clicking the icon in the top right corner of the will reveal a series of options to modify your layers.



to create a new layer, select the layer you wish for the new layer to appear stacked on top of, then click the Create a New Layer Icon at the bottom of the layers panel. 

to name a layer, double click the layer’s name, then type the name you wish to use. hit the return key to finalize your changes.

step 1: paint in the new layer
step 2: click the opacity field
step 3: lower the opacity
step 4: select the layer
step 5: delete the layer

resize a layer
to begin, open the Resize_Layer.psd file from the downloadable files folder.
there are a number of ways to resize layers in photoshop.



select the layer you’d like to resize. then, select Free Transform from the Edit option in the menu bar. a border will encompass the contents of the layer.

to resize the layer, click and drag on any corner of the image, then realize to finalize the transformation.

press the shift key to constrain the aspect ratio of the layers as you perform the transformation so that they aren’t distorted.

you can also resize the contents of multiple layers at once by using the shift key to select them before transforming the layers.
step 1: select layer and free transform
step 2: transform
step 3: shift+ select multiple layers
repeat steps 1 & 2

add images to a layered design
to begin, open the Add_Images1.psd from the downloadable files folder.



select the layer you wish the new layer containing your added image to stack on top of. 

then, go to the File menu, and choose Place Imbedded...

navigate to the downladable files folder, then select the Add_Images2.jpg file. click Place.

the image will appear in its own layer with diagonal crossbars on top of it.



this transformation can be performed at any time with the steps from the previous exercise in this module, resize a layer. 

the resultant Smart Image will have a few constraints as to how you can modify them. Rasterize it to remove these contrainsts.


holding the shift key to contrain the propotions, rescale the image by clicking on any of its corners and dragging. 

move the image by clicking and dragging.

press the return key to finalize.

unlock the background layer
to begin, open the Background_Layer.psd file from the downloadable files folder.
background layers have special properties that disallow some of the routine manipulations that are performed on a typical layer.
special background layers 
    > distinguishable by the lock icon next
       to the title on the Layers panel 
    > constrained to the first layer of the
    > attempting to rearrange or transform
      yields no result
    > can be converted into a regular layer          by simply clicking the lock icon






to set your own background layer, a layer with no transparent pixels on the firstmost layer in needed. 

first, create a new layer.

then, move the layer to the bottom of the layers in the Layers panel.

then, press the F5 key to summon the Fill tool. click the Contents field, then select from the drop-down menu. click OK.

you can make a new background layer by clicking the Layer menu, then selectiing New..., then selecting Background from Layer.

step 1
step 2
step 3

exercise from 2017 Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop Tutorial Article Work with Layers.

enhance and improve image quality
adjust brightness and contrast
to begin, open the Brightness_Contrast1.jpg file from the downloadable files folder.



select the Brightness/Contrast tool in from the Image menu to summon the dialogue box.

the Auto tool will make adjustments based on the program’s best judgment.

replace the values in the Brightness and Contrast fields with your desired adjustments.

the Preview tool allows you to toggle between the original image before finalizing your changes.

> click OK to finalize.

> when saving images with adjustments, remember to use Save
to rename the file and avoid overwriting the original

adjust color vibrance
to begin, open the Brightness_Contrast1.jpg file from the downloadable files folder.


select the Vibrance tool in from the Image menu to summon the dialogue box.

replace the values in the Vibrance and Saturation fields with your desired adjustments.

click OK to finalize. use Save As to rename the image.

adjust hue and saturation 
to begin, open the Brightness_Contrast1.jpg and Brightness_Contrast2.jpg files from the downloadable files folder.



select the Hue/Saturation tool in from the Image menu to summon the dialogue box.

adjust the sliders so as to familiarize yourself with each of their functions.

this tool can also be used to isolate and adjust the values of specific colors in an image.
the hue slider adjusts the color of the image
the hue slider adjusts the color of the image
the saturation slider adjusts the intensity of the colors
the saturation slider adjusts the intensity of the colors
the lightness tool adjusts the values of the image
the lightness tool adjusts the values of the image
toggle the target color
make adjustments
select a target color
make adjustments

 use this tool to select the target color based on a color you select from the image.

summon the Hue/Saturation adjusments window, then toggle the target color in the drop-down box.

learn about adjustment layers
to begin, open the Adjustment_Layers.psd files from the downloadable files folder.
click the adjustment layer icon
create a black/white adjustment layer
make adjustments
rearrange layers


to create an adjustment layer, click the icon on the bottom of the Layers panel. select a type from the drop-down menu.

make adjustments at your discretion.

drag the adjustment layer to move it below the small bouquet layer.

exercise from 2017 Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop Tutorial Article Adjust the Image Quality.

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