HUI129: Computer-Aided Industrial Design Coursework
graphics editing techniques in photoshop 
class 1: 9/10  
class 2: 9/17  
class 3: 9/24  
graphics editing techniques in illustrator 
class 4: 10/1  
class 5: 10/8  
rhinoceros 3.D. modeling and techniques  
  • I: interface, toolbars, drawing in Rhino
  • II: precision modeling
  • III: editing geometry
photoshop selection tool basics
make selections
to begin, open Selection_Basics.jpg from the practice files folder.
rectangular marquee selection tool
select part of the building
add to the selection
subtract from the selection


click the Rectangular Marquee selection tool from the left-hand toolbar.

select the building in the image by dragging from one corner to another.

this option creates a selection.

this option adds to the existing selection.

this option subtracts from the existing selection.


adjust the lightness of the selection. 

to adjust the brightness of everything outside of the selection, inverse the selection by selecting Inverse from the Select menu.

deselect by selecting Deselect from the Select menu, or with D.
darken selection
inverse selection
inverse selection
darken inverted selection

learn how to use quick selection and lasso tools
to begin, open Selection_tools.jpg from the practice files folder.



select the Quick Selection tool from the left-hand toolbar.

click and drag across the mannequin to make a selection.

after making the initial selection, the Quick Selection tool will default to Add to Selection mode. 

use the key while making a selection to toggle to Subtract to Selection mode and subtract it from the current selection.
select quick selection tool
select the mannequin
add to the selection
subtract from the selection
add to the selection
finalize selection
make adjustments
select the Lasso tool from the left-hand toolbar.

toggle to Add to Selection mode in the upper toolbar to avoid losing the current selection.

click and drag to make a selection, enclosing the selection before release.

make adjustments to the selection, then D to deselect.

fine-tune a selection
to begin, open Finetune_Selection.jpg from the practice files folder.
use the Quick Selection tool to select the garment.

select the Select and Mask... option from the Select menu.

toggle the View to get a better contrast to review the quality of the selection.

use the brushes to fine-tune the selection.

locate the Output To drop-down box in the bottom of the Properties panel. select Selection. click OK.
quick selection
select menu > select and mask
selection mask
click view
toggle view to red
fine-tune selection
output to selection
make adjustments

exercise from 2017 Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop Tutorial Article Make Selections.

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